OK, like most moms out there, I am always looking to save money! One of the biggest expenses that parents face is DIAPERS!! The problem that I always run into is trying to find a cheaper diaper that doesn't leak. I have tried every generic brand of diaper in my area (Midwest) and the one generic diaper that works the best is Parents Choice-sold at Wal-mart.
I like Parents Choice because the fit is good and it has a soft feel. Plus, the diapers don't leak! I have three boys in diapers right now and Parent's Choice works for all three. The Parent's Choice diaper looks like a Pampers Swaddler- which is what I had been using on my soon to be four month old. I think that the absorbency of the Parent's Choice diaper is superior to that of Pampers and Huggies, not to mention all of the other generic diapers that I tried. I had been hesitant to try a generic diaper on my youngest for two reasons. First, he has very sensitive skin and sometimes generic diapers can irritate a new baby's bottom. Second, and I am sure most new parents will agree with me on this, newborns can pee through almost anything(especially if they are wearing a new outfit and look especially cute at the time)!
My two older sons, they are 2 and 4, also use the Parent's Choice diaper. The diaper works well for them also. I think that if it can work for two very active toddler boy's, then these diapers can work well for any baby.
When it comes to the money you can save by using Parent's Choice rather than Huggies or Pampers, it will add up quickly. At my local Wal-Mart a package of 48 size two Parent's Choice diapers were $5.74 while a 48 count size two package of Huggies and Pampers were between 9 and 10 dollars. If you buy the larger size packages, the difference in price is over 9 dollars. The amount of money that you save will definitely add up.
I will admit that I had been skeptical about using a generic brand of diapers because I worried that I would spend the money I was saving on laundry detergent because I would have several more loads of laundry to do because of leaky diapers. But happily that has not been the case. I definitely recommend that you try using Parent's Choice diapers- I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised.