Why is it that your son, or for that matter your husband, has excellent hearing when it comes to video games or hunting, yet don't hear you ask them to pick up their clothes? I used to think that my 4 son's had a hearing problem that they must have gotten from their father, then I realized that it was just "boy hearing".
You may be wondering just what exactly "boy hearing" is and does you husband or son suffer from it, too. Well, chances are they do! I define "boy hearing" as the ability for a male of any age to only hear what they want to, when they want to. Not only does "boy hearing" cause males to not hear what you say, it also gives them the uncanny ability to completely tune you out when you are right in front of them.
The first experience I ever had with "boy hearing" was with my brother. There were times that he would be so focused on either a movie or his Nintendo, that he would not hear a word that I said to him. I just thought that was how my brother was-I was wrong!
After having four boys and a husband, I have found that "boy hearing" is a common occurrence. If I ask my sons to pick up their room or to pick up their toys they suddenly go deaf; but, if I am standing outside, whispering on the phone about going to the zoo, all of my kid's suddenly appear from out of nowhere and start asking when we are going to the zoo!
You can test your spouse or son's for "boy hearing" by asking them or telling them about something that does not involve wheels or games, and then see if they respond. This test works especially well if you are asking them to help you clean something or pick up their dirty clothes. If they do not respond or act like they don't hear you, then they have "boy hearing"!
Don't worry though, "boy hearing" is really just annoying, even though it may seem as if your sons or husband has some serious hearing loss, they don't-it's just the "boy hearing"!