Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Rain, Rain Go Away!

OK, I had just started this entry about the flooding here in Nebraska. I considered my family to be lucky, although we live in the flooded area, our home has been spared because we are on a hill.
Then my husband called from work-he had some bad news. Both of our vehicles are at his job right now-long story-anyway, he called to let me know that the city that he works out of is evacuating the area around his job. The Elkhorn river is out of it's banks and it will be flooding his job-where both our vehicles are-by 7pm tonight.
Great!! The roads between our home and his town are water covered so there is no way I can get either of our vehicles so now I guess I wait and see. My husband is working out of town so there is no way that he can move our vehicles-so if his shop floods-so will our vehicles.
Of course, losing our vehicle is nothing compared to all of the families in our area who have lost everything.

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