Well, after much discussion about whether or not to homeschool our son, we have decided take him out of public school and homeschool him. I plan on working with him over the summer to make sure that he is ready for starting 1st grade material in the fall.
Last night, we went to Connor's spring concert and it was very cute! I was very impressed with the music program that the school has here and it made me second guess our decision to take Connor out of school. That feeling didn't last long because when I got home, we opened the IEP we had received in the mail earlier. It said that Connor's speech was only intelligible to strangers 10-15% of the time. That was kind of surprising since his teacher-who had known him for a couple of weeks-reassured me that she and the para in the class didn't have any problem at all understanding Connor. I am kind of confused-do they understand him or not? I think that they said they understood him at the meeting because I was asking about whether assisted communication devices might be beneficial to him.
I am not sure why they would say that if it wasn't the case-maybe it is because they don't want to pick up the expense for the assisted communication devices. I don't think it really matters anyway-Connor will be out of the school system in less than two weeks.
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